Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Goodbye President Bush

The Iraqi journalist throwing his shoes at President Bush was silly and immature. A journalist has the biggest weapon in his hands, his pen. He uses words like cement and mortar to build institutions and personalities or like a hammer to break them. Why use a shoe? Anybody in the world can chuck a shoe at any one, provided he has shoes to spare. This man is no journalist.

The journalist should have tried to throw his shoes at President Saddam Hussein also, when so many Iraqis disagreed with the President’s methods of handling protests. Most probably, the journalist would not have returned home for supper in the evening to his house. He dare to attack Bush because he isn’t as cruel as Saddam Hussein!

Clearly, Iraqi and American security were lacking in speed of response. How can a man throw two objects at the President, one after the other, and security could not nab him after the first throw itself? The security officers should start visiting the gymnasiums for regular workouts.

Full marks to President Bush for his agile responses in ducking the shoes. He seems to be more fit and lithe than all the security personnel.

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