Monday, January 31, 2011

Million Dollar Money Drop

I love this show, and I have realized a few things while watching it...

  • I get nervous.
  • I think I know EVERYTHING.
  • I end up yelling at the T.V.
  • My blood pressure goes through the roof.
  • Kevin Pollak annoys the be-jesus out of me.
  • They can drag an episode out like none other.
This show is soooo much fun.  If you haven't watched it yet I suggest you do so.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Meet and Greet-Elizabeth

June 16, 1985

I'm Elizabeth!
I love David and Peyton more than the world.

TidBits about Elizabeth
  • I love to organize everything
  • I hate having things out of place
  • I love to clean
  • I might be OCD
  • I love coming home because Peyton gets so excited
  • I have a subscription to Dog Fancy
  • I might be a crazy obsessed in love with my dog
  • I always have to make my bed
  • I love The Office
  • I have a weird obsession with Avon products, especially SkinSoSoft Original
  • I always tell David I love him before we hang up the phone
  • I have naturally curly hair. (yuck)

Friday, January 28, 2011


We had a snow day weekend in our household this past weekend.  It was lovely.  It was soooo stinkin' cold out. So what did we do?

We built a fort.

We froze our paws off.

And chewed on bones.

We played monopoly.

We watched The Office Season 6. (well part of it)

We slept in.

We cleaned.

And napped.

We watched football.

And ate a family dinner at John and Rose Ellen's.

It might have been a lazy weekend, but it was much needed.

Oh and I must add that Peyton literally froze his paws off.  I let him outside to potty and he stood out there for quite some time and then couldn't walk back in.  He held his paws out of the snow and cried.  It was so pitiful.  And so precious. 

Thursday, January 27, 2011

My Secret Crush...

Is on my Shark Steam Mop.  I cannot get enough of my little friend. I used to watch the infomercials over and over again.  I was mesmorized. So when Christmas came around I got this from John & Rose Ellen.   Who would have thought such a simple cleaning tool could make my day? It has changed my life since the day I got it.  I love not having to get a mop and bucket or use the swiffer.  I know my floors get clean and they aren't sticky after. 

Hint: use distilled H20 when using.

It's also nice that the pads are reusable.  :-) So you are saving the environment.  There are so many Shark products I can't wait to try!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


My dad thought it would be HILARIOUS to get me a Barack Obama Chia Pet for Christmas. (If you don't know us we are very conservative and BO is not our favorite person, which makes us having a BO Chia Pet very funny)  Now, I am not very good at keeping things alive (except Peyton).  Therefore, this Chia Pet became David's project.  David watered and kept nObama (as we affectionately call him) alive for a month.  Then it was by choice to let our new friend go.  It was acutally very interesting and fun to watch him grow.  We had a good time with him...

State of the Union Address

blah blah blah blah blah...
Read this.

I would have rather been watching Million Dollar Money Drop.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Meet and Greet-David

This is David. (In his signature pose)
January 5, 1982
David is the handiest person I know.
He is also the smartest person I know.
I thank my lucky stars everyday that he is mine.
You should be jealous.

TidBits about David
  • David loves OU Football
  • David loves the Indianapolis Colts
  • David loves IU Basketball
  • David can pretty much do anything around the house-including but not limited to: making a T.V. stand, hanging up (and taking down) pictures, doing his own laundry, making dinner, among many other household duties
  • David is very particular
  • David is NOT a morning person
  • David can't say "no" to Peyton
  • David eats like a 3 year old (chicken nuggets, french fries, etc.)
  • David hates change
  • David loves Hi-C Orange Lavaburst and Mt. Dew
  • He takes the trash out and shovels snow without being asked
Don't be jealous


My obsession with Avon is spiraling out of control.  If you have never tried or used Avon I suggest you do.  Not only is it amazing and affordable, but I have the best Avon Rep. in the world.  Theresa (David's sister).  Every other Monday she takes my order and delivers it to my that Wednesday.  How awesome is that?  Here are a few of my "must haves" from Avon.  Oh and if you would like to try it, email me and I can give you Theresa's info. 

  I use this for my daily face cleanser, astringent, and lotion.  It is light, airy, and effective.  It is basically the proactiv equivalent only cheaper and works better.  The scrub takes all that dead skin off and leaves your face feeling smooth.  The toning pads tighten up your pores and the lotion is light and oil free.  I love it. 

If you like bare minerals make up try this.  Works exactly the same only cheaper.  What could be better? Nothing.
Oh my how I love this.  I honestly don't think I could live without it.  The smell is amazing, it softens your skin, and leaves you fresh.  It is a MUST HAVE.

There are soooo many great, lotion, nail, fragrance, jewelry.  It is all great.

Oh Avon how I love you.  It is Monday, and I already have my order in!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

New Year Goals

I like to think of my resolutions as goals.  I just think it sounds nicer.  OK so I have compiled a list of 6 goals I would like to achieve in 2011.  None of them are over the top or unachievable so I expect to be able to fulfil these. 

1. Keep a gratitude journal: I read about this on someones blog and I thought it was a great idea.  Every single day you write down 5 things you are greatful for.  5 simple things that made your day or made your life easier or just made you smile.  For instance, you got 10 cents off your gas per gallon at kroger, or you went to lunch with a friend.  I have done this every day since January 1st and I am so glad I'm doing this.  David has even joined in! (although he doesn't write his down, we do chat about it!)

2. Run a 5K: Now some of you might think this is lame, but I don't run, in fact I hate running.  I want to like it, I just don't.  Theresa (David's sister) and I have been working out alot since last summer.  We started running a little bit so I do believe a 5K is achievable.

3. Better my relationships with the people around me: Pretty self explanitory.  My main goal here is to have more sleepovers with my sister, spend more time with friends, be a better support system for my loved ones, etc. 

4. Training Peyton to behave better: Although Peyton is my world, I have to admit he isn't the best trained dog on the block (unless you count sitting for food).  Peyton loves to bark when someone knocks on the door, he loves to bark at the TV (most annoying), and he loves to jump up on people.  I really want to work on the jumping part first.  I love taking him places but hate that he jumps.  This will probably be my hardest goal to achieve.

5. Healthy Lifestyle: I admit I give into my cravings ALL. THE. TIME. It's bad.  It's horrible.  I plan on using a really cool website I was introduced to by Theresa (David's sister).  It is called My Fitness Pal and it is AMAZING.  You can log and track everything you eat and all the exercise you do.  It keeps you accountable for everything.  Also, you can "friend" people which helps support you and keep you in line.  I have been using it on and off since the summer, but I am determined to stick to it. 

6. Read 12 Books: I have a list of books (all different kinds from fiction to non-fiction, relgious to self help)  I plan on reading 1 book per month.  I also plan to blog about each book after I am done reading.  I am starting out with The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman.  I have heard nothing but good things about this book and I can't wait to start!

Like I said all of these are totally do-able.  I'll be sure to keep everyone updated on my progress!!

Meet and Greet-Peyton

March 1, 2007

This is Peyton.
He is the BEST dog in the entire world.
We love him like a child.
He is soooo stinkin' cute I can't stand it.

TidBits about Peyton
  • Peyton loves people
  • Peyton loves bones
  • The only thing Peyton loves more than bones is hiding bones
  • Speaking of hiding, Peyton loves to hoard his food in random spots around the house
  • Peyton loves snuggling with Elizabeth
  • Peyton hates any weather that is no 70 degrees and sunny
  • Peyton loves all dogs
  • Peyton still acts like a puppy
  • Peyton loves to fetch balls, but doesn't like to acutally give the ball back
  • Peyton loves to watch T.V.
  • Peyton loves to BARK at the T.V. (specifically any time a dog or horse comes on)
  • Peyon has acid reflux

1st Post...

And hopefully not the last!  My goal is to keep this updated as a scrapbook of sorts.  Even though I am 19 days into the New Year, this is a "resolution" for me.  Mostly this will be a journal of my daily life, ramblings, and alot of pictures of the cutest puppy dog in the world, Peyton.  Which leads me to a warning for ALL readers.  WE ARE CRAZY OBSESSED WITH OUR DOG, THE THINGS HE DOES, and EVERY SINGLE DARN THING ABOUT HIM.  So be prepared.  You can't say I didn't warn you!


Friday, January 14, 2011

Help us prevent paradise island from becoming paradise lost...

From Chilly Northwest Ohio, Kim Writes: Hello again, everyone.  I don't know how many people still read this crazy blog; we're not exactly "regular" bloggers. But we should at least get points for always having the best intentions. If I had a dollar for all the times I've said, "Oh Kenn, I can't wait to write about this on the blog"...

e've certainly been blessed with experiences that [would] make outstanding blog-matter.  (Our recent trip to a shade coffee plantation in Nicaragua, for example! -- We ARE going to blog about that soon!) But, it's simply time that we lack. We've always got way more to do than seems even remotely possible. 

But this morning I dropped everything I was working on to post this message.  I hope that once you read it you'll share a link to it and help us preserve one of the most remarkable places I have seen on the planet. Its future is in jeopardy, and all you have to do to help save it?  Just register for some of the most incredible nature-related experiences of your life!

The place is called Hog Island, and I've run out of superlatives to describe it.

See what I mean?!  Imagine, you are standing on the coast of Maine, ready to board a ferry that will deliver you here. Can you understand why we love this place so much?!  And the beauty goes far deeper than just the image that blesses the eye. The knowledge this island has to share will change the way you look at the natural world. If that sounds like hyperbole -- it isn't. But if that kind of thing is a bit too "over the top" for you -- you might want to consider that they also give you the opportunity to see these creatures...
Gratuitous Puffin Photo

Without going too deeply into the situation, the island needs our help.  It is imperative that all of the camp sessions be filled this year to send a message to National Audubon and Maine Audubon about the value of keeping the camp open.  Please, do me and Kenn, the island, and yourself, a favor, and come to camp this summer!

They're offering earlybird discounts, too, but they end at midnight this Saturday (January 15th)! All registrations made online or postmarked by the 15th qualify for this discount.

Here's some information about the camp:
While the puffins are floating far at sea and terns are at their winter homes in the southern hemisphere, the Project Puffin staff is busy organizing for the coming summer. To participate in hands-on field work at Project Puffin islands and learn more about seabirds, consider joining us for a five day program at Hog Island this coming summer. If you have been considering joining us, but needed the New Year and longer days to bring your plans into focus, then sign up now and take advantage of our early bird discount.
 Your instructors will be some of America’s best known birders, including Kenn Kaufman, Pete Dunne, Scott Weidensaul and Steve Kress. Bird lovers of all abilities will enjoy boat trips to visit the restored puffin and tern colonies, guided hikes to freshwater and saltwater marshes and blueberry barrens. Even the 330-acre spruce forest surrounding your cabin home on the island is superb birding habitat.
 ---and we haven't even talked about the food. OMG...the FOOD!

To learn more, register, or just look at the pictures visit HERE.  For more information or questions, contact Erica Van Etten, program coordinator and registrar, at (607) 257-7308 x14 or email at

Here's a link to some blog posts and YouTube videos about the island experience.  I think they'll give you a sense of just how incredible the place really is:

First, a superb video by Lang Elliott:

A compelling post from Warblings, a blog written by Benjamin Van Doren, a teenage birder from NY State.

And, from this blog: