Friday, April 29, 2011

The Royal Wedding...

is TODAY {this morning}!
I am up bright and early (4am)

I am going to pretend that I got one of these...

Then, after politely declining the invite, 
I will plop my behind down and watch :)

I am so excited!!!!

Maybe I will wear one of these while watching...

k bye!!!
(you know that even if you don't care this wedding you will find yourself watching...)

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Thanks Jenn!

Check out my new blog design!!
Thanks to Jenn from Munckin-Land Designs!
She was so easy to work with and very quick and efficient. She answered ALL my questions...and I had a lot :)
If you're looking to update your blog I def. recomend Jenn!

**Click on her button to the left to visit her site!

Not Perfect :)

No one's relationship is perfect.
If you say otherwise you are a big fat liar.
...but... it is perfect for you :)

Here is an example of an argument David and I recently had.
I know you will take my side because...well...I'm right! :)

The day we were taking Peyton to his laser therapy David so generously took the day off.
We I got up early and took care of all the morning stuff.
I hop in the car and wait.
and wait. We are late. I HATE BEING LATE.
On top of that, we have no clue where we are going b/c it is a new vet.
Finally, David gets in the car.
He starts looking for the GPS and cannot find it.
a freaking gps started an argument.
I snap back that if HE weren't running late this wouldn't be an issue.
Then some more stuff is said.
We don't talk until we get to the vet.
We drop our sweet love off.

Then David pulls in here.

and we get...

then I hear..."I'm sorry"

we argue.
we bicker.
we fight.

we aren't perfect.
we always say "I'm sorry"
and never forget to say "I love you"

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Happy birthday and wedding anniversary my dear friend

Happy birthday Vara, Happy anniversary Vara & Mas Oye

(photo by: Thole @tholeology)

What I'm Loving Wednesday

Link up with Jamie!

I am loving Maybelline's The Falsies Mascara.  I know I preach about my love of Avon products a lot, however, this mascara is life changing! Go get it. You will love love it.

I am loving that we got together with David's family for his BIL's birthday. We played Pictionary on the Wii! So much fun.  We laughed until we cried :) Happy Birthday Jeremy!

I am loving Red Velvet Cupcakes! (a post coming soon) YUM!

I am loving that the "Easter Bunny" still gives me a basket each year :)
{check out my goodies}

I am loving this fire pit! Do any of you have one? Do you like it? Let me know ASAP!


I am loving that Wednesday's are my "Friday's"!  How can I not love that?!

Happy Wednesday Ladies!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tail Wagging Tuesday!

Link up with Cmae!

Todays Topic is:
Places they like to sleep!!

1. Wrapped up in a blanket.
2. On the chair. (doesn't he look so comfy?)
3. Under the ottoman. (I love it when he does this. So funny)
4. In our bed :)
Peyt doesn't have a most favorite place to sleep, he just likes to sleep.  A LOT!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Sharing Joy

Happy birthday, birthday boy! :)
Hope you like it

(photo by Lenny @nengkoneng)

Hello Monday!

For once I am glad it's Monday!
1. This weekend was looooong. Too long. I know what you're thinking..."too long of a weekend?" "WHAT?".
2. This Friday is the Royal Wedding I am ever so obsessed about.

ok. back to the long weekend.

As you may know our sweet pup got "re-hurt" again.
David took Friday off to come with me to the vet.
We took him to a new vet (the old one pissed me off-ALOT.)
He started laser therapy. sounds sketch. Worked wonders.
He feels alot better.
We had therapy Friday and Saturday and that = a long weekend.

David and Peyton at the vet :)

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter

David, Elizabeth, and Peyton

Thursday, April 21, 2011

not happening.

well, i had a great post planned for today. actually, not that great. just a different one. 

you know peyt?
yea... that cute pup i constantly talk about?
{let me refresh your memory in case you forgot...}

...and remember how i just pUPDATED you about his progress?

well sucky news.
his progress has regressed.
we are back to square one.
we go to the vet later today.

k, i'm going to go snuggle my love and cry comfort him.


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

the undying Kabul

In the Afghan capital of Kabul, colours are vibrant, smells are pungent and the sun casts deep shadows on the low-rise buildings. And then there are the Afghans themselves, with their strong spirit, determined pride and quick smiles.

What I'm Loving Wednesday

link up with Jamie!

I am loving wedge heels. A lot.

I am loving reruns of Walker, Texas Ranger :)

I am loving that we have a tradition of bowling on Easter.  Which is this Sunday!

I am loving tinted moisturizer.  I don't use foundation (just concealer) and that little extra tint can be a life saver!

via avon


I am loving that David and I saw a girl driving with her foot out the window (so safe), so David decided he wanted to try (we were on a non-busy road). 

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Every Warbler Tells A Story

From Oak Harbor, Ohio, Kenn writes: Here in northwestern Ohio, “the Warbler Capital of the World,” the warblers are just beginning to show up. They will be flooding through here, in dizzying numbers and variety, in just a couple of weeks. Right now, we’re in the peak stage of eager anticipation for these tiny, active, colorful birds.

Our friend Liz McQuaid recently had a Yellow-throated Warbler in her yard in the Cleveland area, a little east of here. (Not this one; the bird in the photo above, poking about in Spanish Moss, is one that Kimberly and I photographed in Texas.) Yellow-throated Warbler is mainly a southern bird, uncommon this far north, but what was really fascinating about Liz’s bird was that it was coming to her suet feeder. Warblers in general are not feeder birds. Although Pine Warblers often come to suet feeders, especially in winter, this is not a well-known behavior for the Yellow-throated Warbler.

Hearing about the feeding behavior of this individual set me to thinking about warblers in general, and about how each species has its own distinct personality. When I was a kid, struggling to learn the warblers, I somehow got the idea that they were all pretty much the same aside from their markings – as if Nature had taken a basic warbler outline and filled it in repeatedly with different colors. Once you get to know them, though, you realize that’s not the case. Each warbler is unique, with its own surprising life story.

Take a good look at a Yellow-throated Warbler and ignore its yellow throat, and you’ll notice that it has a long, strong bill for a warbler. That bill shape is a key to its feeding behavior. On the nesting grounds, it spends a lot of time poking into crevices in bark, or into clusters of pine needles, in search of insects. And on the wintering grounds it searches in a wider variety of locations.

When I was in my late teens and early twenties, I spent a lot of time in Mexico every winter: travel there was cheap, the weather was warm, and the birding was superb. So a lot of my early experience with Yellow-throated Warbler was on the wintering grounds. This bird spends the winter in various habitats, including some areas of upland pine forest, but the situation where I found it most reliably was in palm trees. Whenever I checked out a grove of coconut palms or other palms, as likely as not there would be a Yellow-throated Warbler poking about among the bases of the fronds.

But the other typical location for it was more surprising. This was far and away the most likely warbler to be seen foraging around manmade objects. Once when friends and I were in Catemaco, Veracruz, for the Christmas Bird Count, we would see a Yellow-throated Warbler foraging around the street lights outside the hotel every morning, no doubt finding insects that had been attracted to the lights overnight. On other trips, I’ve seen these enterprising warblers searching around the light fixtures at gas stations in Yucatan and Tabasco, and around the edges of hotel windows in Chiapas and on Cozumel Island. Plenty of other warbler species were wintering in these same regions, but the Yellow-throated was the only one exploiting these manmade bug-attractors.
So the Yellow-throated Warbler at Liz’s feeder may have just been exercising the natural propensity of the species to check out human artifacts. Or maybe the other warblers just sent it on ahead to remind us that every warbler is different, every species deserves to be appreciated for its own unique character.

Tail Wagging Tuesday!

link up with Cmae!

Today's Topic:
Bling Bling

Peyton just has a red collar.  Nothing special. 
Since you can invision this without a picture,
I will leave you with these:

Monday, April 18, 2011

Stylish Blogger Award!

The sweet Ashley over at It's Just A Bunch Of Hocus Pocus awarded me the Stylish Blogger Award! Thanks Ashley!!

OK, I have to share 7 things about myself.

1. I love to watch reruns of Walker, Texas Ranger.  Strange? Yes. Entertaining? Double yes.

2. I have a very sarcastic sense of humor.  I can say anything with a straight face.  This comes in handy when I want to "trick" or "play pranks" on people :)

3. I like to scare David by hiding in random places. I know this is kind of mean, but he does it right back.  I laugh and laugh when I scare him. I'm laughing now just thinking of it. bahaha :)


5. I can't get TB tests.  I test positive for them each time (even though I have never been diagnosed with TB).  Therefore, I skip my annual test and get the chest x-ray.

6. In college I had to sit through a murder trial.  To this day, I can still visualize the crime scene photos, and it freaks me out.

7. I had my bellybutton pierced, but I took it out a few years ago.  I felt like since I was out of college I needed to grow up, I guess taking out my belly ring was my way of "growing up"

I'm supposed to pass this on, so I pass it on to ALL MY FOLLOWERS!

A How to Guide.

How To: trickyourdogintotakinghismeds.  Give your dog his medicine.

1. Find cheese slice. (By opening  said cheese your sweet pup will come bouncing into the kitchen.)

2. Set pill(s) in cheese and ball up, hiding pill.

3. Give pill cheese to pup!

I have decided it is not worth the fight of trying to shove a pill into a pup's mouth.  We do cheese.  Win/Win. (and yes, I feel awesome that I trick my dog)

{to read why meds had to be given click here!}

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Our sweet love is feeling so much better. (not 100% but close)This makes our heart's happy.

It has been one month.

We are now "allowed" to:

We love him.  Some may say too much.  But we just can't help it...

Saturday, April 16, 2011

A Pawfect Dog

Since Peyton is probably the most pampered pup in the world, most wouldn't be surprised that his "Grandma Moore" (David's mom) buys him special doggy treats.

A Pawfect Dog is run by David's parent's neighbor.  She home makes and bakes these adorable (and delicious-I'm only guessing) dog biscuits!

Peyton gets a bag of these EVERY. SINGLE. MONTH. courtesy of Grandma Moore.

He is one spoiled dog to say the least!

{One day when I get up the nerve to do a giveaway I will def. be giving away some biscuits!}

Friday, April 15, 2011


I was tagged!

The rules are as follows:

1.- State who tagged you.  Christina over at Skip to my Lou -thanks girl!

2.- State 10 things you love
{I am going to state 10 things besides the obvi (David, Peyton, Family, Friends)}

1. When Peyton barks in his sleep.
2. Falling asleep with the T.V and fan on.
3. Sneezing.
4. The smell of fresh cut grass on a summer morning.
5. How tired I feel after spending the day by the pool.
6. Driving with the windows rolled down.
7. Dry erase boards and Sharpies.
8. Farmers Markets and Garage Sales.
9. Eyelash Curlers. 
10. Key Lime Pie.

3.- Tag ten friends at the end of the post and notify them through a comment.

1. Jessica at You Are My Color
2. Chloe at My New Life as a Housewife
3. Beth at Just Me and My Life
4. Jessica at Heart on Homestead
5. Ash at Catching up with the Conway's
6. Julie at Smitten Mintons
7. Liz at Torts, Teeth, and a Tootsie Roll
8. Brynn at Being Brynn
9. Lauren at A Modern Day Wife's Journey
10. The Greer's at Greer Gossip


I forgot to post this a few weeks ago.  But...

3nd day of Spring 2011...3/23/2011

yes. this is hail.
then it snowed.
then the power went out.

Spring in Indiana...