Thursday, June 30, 2011


i should have probably linked up with carrisa's confess link up before today, but i didn't...i have no good reason
so here are some confessions. bc i'm so secretive you guys are just dying to know :)

i confess i let peyton sleep in the bed. not on the bed. in the bed. right next to us. i will be uncomfortable to make peyton comfy. i need help i think. even though he has a brand new bed...he prefers to sleep with his momma.

i confess on my days off, i sometimes don't do a damn thing. i just don't feel like using my brain. peyton and i watch the price is right and walker texas ranger...then we water the flowers. that is about as active as i get some days.

i confess we had those frozen meals for dinner one night this week. and it they were good.

i confess i spend too much money on avon products. i can't help it. when you see a deal you have to snatch it up. i also confess david may have gotten irritated at me for writing so many checks to his sister since she is my avon rep.

i confess i watched 2 christmas movies, and listened to a christmas cd this past weekend. sometimes christmas just needs to come more than once a year.

i confess i like to move over to david's side of the bed when he leaves for work. in fact i like to actually wake up, do somethings around the house, then get back into bed on his side and sleep awhile longer.

i confess i worked out then went to the pizza hut buffet. counter productivity at its finest. classy.

i confess that the hospital i work at is undergoing construction. if i hear another hammer beat against a wall i am going to quit my job.

ok those are enough of the confessions today...'til next time...

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday

link up with Jamie!

i am loving that i have next week off. no work. no work. no work!
i know i only work 3 days a week...but remember...i work 12.5 hrs a day :)

i am loving peyton's new bed :) i decided that peyton needed a nice new comfy place to sleep (since it really is crowded with him in the bed)

i am loving the little yankee candle "tarts" that you put in a warmer. if you don't have a candle warmer-get one. i love mine. i use it all the time...and if i forget to turn it biggie :)

i am loving that i pre cooked 3 meals for this week. since i work late on my working days, sometimes dinner is very i premade some meals and voila! dinner is ready in minutes! go me. although i don't have picture evidence...

i am loving the sweetness that i get to come home this not adorable? even though this picture is horrible and is taken with my phone, through the car window...
he is sayin' "hi momma!"
"come and get me!"

happy wednesday!

{and even though i will be on "vacation" from work...i will not be on "vacation" from my blog. i know you are jumping with excitement because of this amazing news ;) }

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

4th of july. target style

link up with Tara!

since the 2nd best holiday of the year is coming up, i thought it would be appropriate to showcase my american spirit and give you a list of all things i need for this upcoming 4th.

i love these lights.
i would keep them up all summer acuatally...

how cute is the drink stand? love it!

happy target tuesday gals!

Monday, June 27, 2011


Hi, I'm Back! :)

Sudah kembali sejak seminggu yang lalu dari Kamboja dan Vietnam.. Baru sempat posting sekarang. Inipun tanpa posting koleksi baru.
Sedang ada beberapa kerjaan yang harus diselesaikan minggu ini, jadi belum sempat bikin karya untuk Atita Shop ;p

Sambil kerja lain, sambil semedi, supaya karya-karya berikutnya lebih baik dan lebih variatif (baik media atau konsep).

Doakan yaa :)

golf game

I love to golf.
I love golf attire.
I love golf shoes.
I love the game.

I have pink and purple clubs.

and a Westie driver cover :)

I'm also not to shabby!

I golf a lot with my mom and David's mom.

David likes to golf also, but he gets fussy when I beat him :)

and completely random...
david put a poptart in the microwave this morning
bahahahaha seriously david?! seriously!


Friday, June 24, 2011

Thursday, June 23, 2011

what the...

i have compiled a list of randomness/oddness that i have encountered over the past few weeks...

1. an MD i work with didn't lock the bathroom door when he went in. i opened the door. thank goodness he was facing the toilet.

2. we had a pitch in at work. the designated "drink" person bought 3 2liters: diet 7up, cherry dr. pepper, and strawberry soda...most random assortment EVER.

3. i have been having a reoccurring dream of getting bitten by a squirrel.

4. David insists on calling Ben Affleck...Ben AFFLAC. (duck voice and all) he thinks it is hilarious.

5. my dog hates "FLO" the progressive commercial girl. he growls at her.

6. i ate a jellybelly that was flavored grass. yes grass. wtf?

7. wow. i have no words.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday

link up with Jamie!

hello wednesday.
you are the last day of my workweek.
therefore you are my favorite day.

i am loving half price books. i love this store. i love the prices even more.
they are all used. all half price. and you can pretty much find whatever you are looking for.
check out my great finds...
you can't see the prices...but they were $3.98 each. score.

i am loving fresh pineapple! i could eat this all day, everyday.

i am loving how entertaining my dog can be.
he hates when animals are on tv.
therefore our animal planet channel watching is limited.


also. sidenote:
i am NOT loving this at all.

but if you could keep Lauren Spierer and her family in your thoughts that would be amazing.
Lauren Spierer attends IU (my alma mater) and went missing.
it has been almost a month and still no big leads or signs of her whereabouts.
this story sickens me.
i couldn't even imagine how her family feels.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

what i got at target this week

i am participating in target tuesday with tara.
b/c this link up could never get old.

here is what i got at target...this week.

i got a gazillion of these. bc they are the best tank tops. they are long. and hold shape. you can dress them up and dress them down. i love them.

long and lean tank

is this not fun and sassy?! i love this cover up!

cover up

perfect everyday sandal.

Monday, June 20, 2011

ugly day outside.

eww it is dark and ominous outside right now. (the beautiful sun should be shining)
kinda, tornado eerie...yuck.
so i'll just let you in on my weekend via iphone pics.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

even though i'm all grown up you are still my dad.
you are the one i ate breakfast with every morning for 18 years.
i love that every saturday morning we went to Dunkin' Donuts
you never yelled at me, even though i'm sure i deserved it.
you have the best sense of humor.
i love hearing you laugh.
i love that you tell me all you want for father's day, christmas, and your bday, is for me to come for dinner.
i love that you call me everyday.
i love that everyone says we are just alike.
i love that you still call me babydoll.
i love you dad!!


David (who is Peyton's dad!),
i love it when you come home and play with Peyton. you both get so excited.
i love it when you talk to him like he is a person.
i love that you make sure he gets his meds in the AM.
i love that you take him with you when you are out and about.
i love that you worry about him when he is home alone.


John (David's Dad),
i love that you insist i read every book you do.
i love that you still refer to yourself as "John, David's dad" when you call me. (it's been over 5 years!)
i love the relationship you have with David.
i love that bud light is your fav. beer.
i love that you are so passionate about the Colts.

Happy Father's Day!!!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Summer Luvin' Saturday!

link up with Marie!

summer luvin', had me a blast...
summer luvin', happened so fast...

oh i love grease...

ok back to the real point of this post...

happy saturday!

Friday, June 17, 2011

bday loooove!

i'm so spoiled.
david planned a little surprise get together for me this past saturday!

my parents came all the way out to my neck of the woods and surprised me...

erica, mom, david

david redeemed his taco bar coupon...

we drank.
we swam.
we had cake.
and opened presents.

i love my family!

i had such an amazing evening with the ones i love most! :)

check out my goodies...

my new bike.
thanks mom and dad!!
i love it.
it has a basket! whoo-hoo!!

vera purse.
i love VB.
and so does david's brother sister-in-law.
therefore...i got this cutie.

chi straightener.
i love chi.
i had my old one for 5 years.
only one side heated up.
so it was time for a new one.
thanks to david's parents...i got this one!
and it's pink!!

target gift card.
someone knows me too well.
that's right...david's sister is equally obsessed with target as i am.
you can never go wrong with one of these. :)
thanks gibbs family!
(i don't have an acutal pic of the gift card because...well...i already used it!)

Thursday, June 16, 2011


today i turn 26.

i'm in my late 20's now.
it feels weird to say i'm 26.

facts about my b-day.

i was born on father's day. 6-16-1985 @ 9:14am
it was a sunday.
i was a day early.
my dad was the first to hold me.
i share my birthday with Tupac Shakur.