Sunday, June 5, 2011

Stylish Blogger Award!!

I have been awarded!
Thank you Christina!! Go check her blog out! She is adorable...and so is her pup Lily!

ok, i have to list 7 random facts.
 then tag 7 bloggers.

1. i have a tatoo. it is on my wrist. it says believe.
2. i secretly love justin bieber. he is so adorable. and his songs are catchy.
3. everytime i go to hobby lobby i seriously consider redecroating the entire house.
4. whenever i sneeze, i sneeze twice. never less, never more. twice.
5. i hate milk. and mayo.
6. i do the crossword from the paper everysingleday.
7. i have eaten pita bread every day for the past 17 days.

i tag:
Ashley @ It's Just a Bunch of Hocus Pocus
Tatiana @ Living Life and Loving It
Kae @ Barefeet Make me Happy
Cori @ I Love Lucy Jean
Jessica @ Heart on Homestead
Kit @ A Step into my Life
Lauren @ Let it Be

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