Wednesday, March 30, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday

Link up with Jamie over at This Kind of Love!

as previously mentioned...I am loving Starbucks Caramel Apple Spice! Oh goodness!
{I had one this A.M!}

I am loving Katy Perry's new song E.T.!

I am loving that I am currently in 1st place in our Family Bracket Challenge! Whoo-hoo! Who would have thought Elizabeth would win?! :)

I am loving Target's swim selection...I am getting to the point where I feel I'm too old for a skimpy bikini and think I am going to try a differnt style suit this cute are these?

I am loving all the sweet comments I get on a daily basis! You girls make my day! I love opening my email and seeing that I have a comment! :)

and as always...

I am loving David and Peyton

{i absolutely love this pic}

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

1st Award!

Jessica over at Every Day is Black and White gave me an award!! Oh my goodness...this is my very 1st bloggy award and I am THRILLED!!!!!!!! eeeek!! Go check out Jessica's blog.  She is ridiculously sweet and funny. :)

So I am supposed to list 7 random facts about MOI:

1. I fall asleep the second my head hits the pillow. I mean, it's weird.  David is jealous, because he has the exact opposite problem!  (I can also fall asleep in any location at any time. I consider this my skill)

2. I have naturally curly hair. It is frizzy and curly...ringlet curly.  I HATE it.  Therefore my bff is a straightener.

3. I do not have dishwasher, thermostat, or financial privileges in our household. HA!

4. David and I moved in together 3.5 months after we started dating.  When you know, you know :)

5. I HATE all seafood, sea life, and sea creatures.  I have no desire to swim with dolphins.  It creeps me out.  Don't ask me if I like fish...I hate that too.  However, I love the beach...just not getting in the ocean!

6. I cry every time I see the ASPCA commercials on T.V.  I see those poor animals and I break down.  It doesn't help that Sarah Mclachlan's Angel is the background music playing.  I'm crying just thinking about the darn commercial.

7. I can still do a standing back flip :)

I pass this award to:

Michelle at Snapshots

Thanks so much Jessica!

Shout out...

We live in Indiana, and we are soooooo very proud of Butler for making it to the Final4!
(2 years in a row!)
{I am also super proud that I am winning in our brackets! eeek!}


Who do you have winning the Championship game?

Monday, March 28, 2011

Wood Painting first edition


Kayu sering memberikan kejutan yang cantik akan serat-seratnya..
Kali ini, mencoba memadukan lukisan akrilik dan gouache dengan serat-serat kayu.


Waterbased painting 
Akrilik dan gouache di atas kayu (talenan/wood cutting)
Panjang: 13,5 cm
Panjang dengan gagang: 26,5 cm
Lebar: 18 cm



I hate coffee.  I hate the taste and the smell...and how expensive it can be!  My aunt still gets me a gift card for Starbucks every year at Christmas.  I usually just handed them off to my mom or sister because they are obssessed.  Anyway, I just discovered this...

It is the Caramel Apple Spice and it is amazing.  It sounds fall-ish but I assure you it is the best drink ever.  I have spend $12.60 at Starbucks this week (which is probably more than I have spent there in a lifetime).  I now feel for those who are addicted to Starbucks...

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Separate Ways...

At home on a quiet Sunday, Kimberly writes: Yesterday, Kenn and I did something that we rarely do. We really don't like being away from each other, but yesterday, we went separate ways to deliver talks at two different events.   Kenn headed north to Detroit, MI, to lead a field trip and give a presentation for the Detroit Audubon Society 2011 Conservation Conference, while I headed to Shreve, Ohio for the Shreve Migration Sensation (SMS). 

Kenn and I both delivered completely new talks at these respective events, and the 24 hours leading up to yesterday were pa-retty hectic, to say the least!  Both of us really feel blessed to have the opportunity to speak about birds and bird conservation, but it also feels really nice to have yesterday behind us, and to be home together on a quiet Sunday morning.  I'll let Kenn fill you in on the details from Detroit, but I'd like to share a few thoughts about the SMS.

The Shreve Migration Sensation is, hands down, my favorite nature festival. The event is community based, offers a wide variety of nature-related activities for families, is organized by great people and organizations, and, I just have to say, the whole "feel" of the festival is wonderfully warm and welcoming. They get an impressive number of people at the festival, too.  This year, I heard that they broke last year's attendance record, and registered 1200 people!  And, get this - the entire population of Shreve is only 1500.

Here's some coverage of this year's event that our friend Cheryl Harner posted on her Weedpicker's Journal blog!
Shreve Migration - A Sensation!

And here are some great posts from past SMS's from our friend Dave Lewis from his Birds From Behind blog.
Migration Sensation
Sensational Shreve

I was so honored to give a talk at this event.  I was a speaker last year, too, and they actually asked me to come back again...amazing!  =)  In my presentation this year, "How To Be A Better Birder - Even if You're Already an Expert", I wanted to share some of the most powerful moments I've had with birds, and end by encouraging people to do more to support bird conservation.  In addition to talking about Proper Siting of Wind Turbines, wind turbines and birds, encouraging birders to buy Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center (SMBC) Certified Shade Coffee, the Federal Duck Stamp and Ohio Wildlife Legacy Stamp, Take a Kid Birdingand Keep Cats IndoorsI spoke about the importance of continuing to learn about birds beyond just matching them up to a picture in a book.

If ever there was a time when we needed to learn more about birds and their habitat needs, it is now.   The natural world is under seige. If birders stop caring about birds at the point where they can identify them, we'll never really know enough to be proper stewards of the natural resources that birds -- and humans -- depend on. Identification is an important first step.  People have to care enough to wonder, "What's that bird?!" before they can take that  critical next step and explore its life history, and understand how to care for its habitat properly.

I'll leave you with an environmental quote I read recently from Dr. David Suzuki, award-winning scientist, environmentalist and broadcaster. The quote really resonated with me, and I hope it has the same impact on you.

  "In reality, there are no externalities, there is no environment 'out there', with humans 'over here' trying to manage our relationship with the biosphere. We are the environment. We take a breath of air and some of that air stays in us. The environmental crisis is a crisis of humans and we are treating ourselves as a repository for all the pollution we send out through our chimneys and exhaust pipes."
                                                                 ~Dr. David Suzuki
                                                                 The Nature of Things


We love our families (duh, everyone does!)  We went to my parent's house a few weeks ago.  They had just installed granite counter tops (jealous) and I had to go see them.  Now it is my mission to have granite counter tops. :)

Mom and David checking out the new range

 David and Grace :)

 Selah :)

David showing mom how to use the new range

 Oh granite...I love you

 Dad working on the sink, David is talking to Grace

I'm not sure how my mother and I got talked into a beer tasting that night...but we did.

David with the beer glass I "won" (I broke the other one on the new granite counter=fail)

 Sweet Selah

My lil' sissers!

 dtm <3

 These are my parent's dogs.  They crashed. Ha!

We had a great time! I love spending time with my family!!! :)

Friday, March 25, 2011

Cheap Entertainment

   1 pup
+1 empty 2 liter
cheap entertainment

Thursday, March 24, 2011

20 Questions

I've seen this on quite a few blogs and decided to link up with Jamie and post my answers! :)

1. If you have pets, do you see them as merely animals or are they members of your family?
Peyton is my sweet puppy (actually he is 4, but I still consider him my puppy).  He is absolutely a member of our little family.  He is our "child".  We love him to death!

2. If you could have a dream come true, what would it be?
Let's see...I guess my dream would be to successfully raise a family :)

3. What would you do with a billion dollars?
Invest, take a family trip, give A LOT to the humane society, splurge a little, give to others...

4. What helps to pull you out of a bad mood?
David and Peyton hands down.  Seeing either of them just makes my heart smile :)

5. What is your bedtime routine?
Wash face or shower, brush teeth, write in my gratitude journal, play on the iPhone for a bit, snuggle in with David and Peyt :)

6. What activities did you do in high school? If you could go back, would you do the same stuff or something different?
I was a cheerleader all 4 years.  I loved it.  I still love it!  I wish I could still be a cheerleader.  I probably wouldn't do anything different, I really enjoyed cheering!
7. What kind of books do you read?
All kinds, I love girly mysteries!

8. How do you see yourself in 10 years?
A mother to hopefully 3 :)  I want nothing more than to be a mother!
9. What’s your fear?
Earthworms.  They give me the chills.  They gross me out...ewww I have to stop talking about them. Sick.
10. Would you give up all junk food for the rest of your life for the opportunity to see outer space?
Absolutely...NOT.  The thought of being sucked away into nothing freaks me out!

11. What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?
Brush my teeth. 

12. If you could change one thing about your significant other, what would it be?
Ha! Not a fair question.  Everyone has their little quirks and yes we would love to change them, but that is what makes them who they are!

13. If you could pick a new name for yourself, what would it be
I wouldn't.  I like my name. It is classic.  You can't go wrong with Elizabeth :)

14. If you had to choose between six months of sun or six months of rain, what would you choose?
This is a silly question!  SUN OF COURSE! :)

15. If you could only eat one thing for the next 6 months, what would it be?
Pasta. I heart carbs. :)

16. What is the thing you enjoy about blogging the most?
Since I am fairly new to blogging, it has to be all the neat blogs I have come across.  I love "peeking" into other people's lives.  I also love the sweet comments I get when I feel like no one really cares about my blog! :)

17. Do you prefer salty or sweet foods?

18. What items are in your purse right now?
Some pens, my wallet, work ID, change (I love change), and a dog biscuit (I have no clue why that is in there...)

19. Name three things on your bucket list.
1. Become a mother
2. Travel to Europe
3. Build a dream home
20. What do you watch on television that you know you shouldn’t?
Family is so wrong on so many levels, but I watch and laugh my butt off EVERY.SINGLE.TIME. :)

Ridiculous Bird (Manuk Pekok)





Waterbased painting
Cat Akrilik dan Gouache di atas kanvas.
Ukuran kanvas @ 25 x 35 cm
Fixative/vernis (pelapis untuk ketahanan lukisan)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday

Link up with Jamie over at This Kind of Love!

I am loving PEEPS.  Enough Said...

{Do you like yours fresh or stale??}

I am loving The Instagram App on my Iphone :) Oh I love that I can make the pictures come to life with the different filters...It makes me happy that I can turn a "new" photo into an "old" photo with one touch!


I am loving that my sweet puppy is feeling much better!

I am loving Cuties! They are soooooo yummy and just the right size! :)

What are you loving today?!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Green Sparrows


These 4 pale green sparrows were meant to be together..
Same species, different looks. Just like us.

Waterbased painting
Cat Akrilik di atas kanvas.
Ukuran kanvas @ 20 x 20 cm
Fixative/vernis (pelapis untuk ketahanan lukisan)


Monday, March 21, 2011

Poor Pup

As stated in the previous post, we have had a looooong weekend.  We will start on Wednesday night...

We have a chair in our bedroom, a big comfy, over sized chair, that Peyton likes to sleep on sometimes.  He tried to jump onto in and didn't quite make it.  We laughed a little. 

Thursday.  I notice Peyton's back leg isn't "working" properly.  He seems to be limping and looks like he struggles to sit.  I think maybe he pulled a muscle or sprained his "knee".  I decide to watch him closely because lets face it...I didn't want to have to take him to the vet only for them to tell me nothing was wrong...

Friday.  Peyton doesn't seem better...or worse.  He seems exactly the same, so we continue with our day.  He lays down for a nap (I might have laid down with him) and at some point he gets up and WILL NOT use his front leg.  At All. He falls while trying to walk.  I lose it.  I scoop him up, notice he is distressed and panting.  I cry  I pull myself together and take him to the vet.

2 x-rays, 2 shots of pain meds, 1 shot of anti-inflammatories, and an "emergency" vet visit bill later we have an answer...

Peyton has some mineralization in one of his discs which is inflamed, causing pressure on his spinal cord, which makes it painful for him to walk.

POOR BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We laid around the rest of the weekend.  We watched him oh so very closely.  He is not to jump, run, or play (yea right).  He is on 4 pills a day, and has been very drowsy. 

The good news is he is feeling much better...which is a relief to us :)