Sunday, July 31, 2011

BB recap

i feel the need to discuss/recap big brother!

the cast is strange this year.
very. strange.

so i figured i would start off with my first impressions of the cast


i like him. i think he could win. i really do.
he seems smart enough to get people to trust and believe him.
plus he is from hoboken, and while i have never been there, i like to say hoboken :)


big. fat. mama's.boy.
he thinks he is hotter than he really is.
and i think he is more excited to be on tv than actually being apart of the show.


she is beautiful.
i want to be tall and skinny like her.
however...i think she is sneaky.
and i think she thought that if she stayed under the radar she would make it far.
she also didn't seem to try to get to know anyone except her partner.
which ends up being her downfall.


she cries. a lot.
about stupid stuff.
i think she will use the "my daughter will be so disappointed" line the entire time she is on.
i like her though.
she is a floater.
but i think when the time comes she will compete hard.


one word:
he is a youth minister.
and he was all over porshe, and danielle.
i would be concerned if he was my child's mentor.


she thinks she is hot.
and thinks that all the veterans love her.
i think she will be gone as soon as her "golden" ticket is up.
she drives me absolutely nuts.
i cannot stand her.
and i feel bad about it.
her name is kinda slutty. no offense.


is he alive?
you never see him.
never hear anything about him.
i think the reason he will make it decently far is because NO ONE KNOWS HE IS EVEN IN THE HOUSE!


read above comments about lawon.
i feel exactly the same about kalia.
she is really pretty though.


my love affair continues with these 2.
jordan is just adorable.
and jeff...well...he is too.
however...they need to think far ahead. and by that, they need to give brenchel the boot asap.
that would be their best move.
i think they will do well because of jeff.


besides the fact they are the most annoying couple ever. i think they have a chance.
they play dirty, and play smart.
i actually prefer them together than apart.
they are both big babies.
brendon thinks he is a macho macho man.
when really he is a fool.
rachel thinks she is hot.
and if she doesn't get her way she acts like a 3 year old does.
i love to hate them.


i love dick.
i think it was perfection when he returned.
however, danielle is another story.
she is so negative. and she always looks mad. and sad.
it made me sad that dick left.
i think he would have taken them all.
miss ya dick.

tune in tonight at 8pm!!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Friday, July 29, 2011


have you ever watched eastbound and down?

david and i were introduced to it about a year ago.

and i can say to this day, i have not laughed so hard in my life.

the entire show is hilarious.

rude and crude but so great.
check it out.
if you want a good laugh, this will keep you laughing.

and also, watch the outtakes.
even better!

meet kenny powers.
an ex baseball player.

...and his sidekick.
stevie janowski.

"dolla dolla bills y'all."

Thursday, July 28, 2011

annoying habits.

i don't have any.
but some of the things david does just annoy me to death.
don't act like your husband/boyfriend doesn't do things that annoy you.
they do. and if you haven't found something will.
here are some examples.

just put the dishes in the damn dishwasher. it is right next to the sink for a reason. you are obviously capable of getting the dishes into the sink...let's work on the dishwasher.
clothes belong in closets. not on the desk, not on the tv stand, and not in the chair. in the closet. seriously, you are in the same room as the hamper...put your clothes there.
i realize our house faces west, therefore the afternoon sun makes it quite toasty, but please quit putting up a newspaper to block the sun. it is super white trash. and i don't think it helps that much.

what are your better other half's annoying habits???

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday

link up with Jamie!

i am loving the a/c is fixed and working.
nothing is worse than no a/c in the summer.

i am loving that my mimi was in town and got to see the piggies!
(i have no pics of her and i together, just random ones of her and everyother family member)

i'm lame and love a good ranch dressing.
i love brianna's the most. go try it. you can thank me later!

i am loving that jessica at you are my color announced some pretty awesome news on her blog recently! go check it out!
she is seriously the most honest, most hilarious blogger out there! i love her and her blog! and her pups!

i am loving lean cuisine pepperoni pizza. like. a lot. they are the perfect size. and so darn good!

and of course.
i am loving...
peyton :)
bc who doesn't love peyton?

happy happy wednesday ladies!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

fair days

so the county fair was last week!
i had too much fun.
even though it was h.o.t.

the only sad part is the piggies "went to market".(if you know what i mean)
so i will be pork and bacon free for the next few months.

Monday, July 25, 2011

i'm baaaaaaaaaaack!

...and ready to comment!

ok, so last week i was a bad commenter...but i assure you i am back on this lovely monday!

so, this past week, the amazing state of indiana had RECORD heat. like, 99 degrees...and heat indexes of 120. it was smokin' hot.

our beloved a/c decided to go out.
yes, it did.

after seeing this...

i packed up my shizzz and peyton and made my way over to the inlaws.

the good news is, the air was fixed by the evening.
however, the air did not return to an acceptable temp. until well into the next day.

hope everyone has a fantastic monday!
i will have more recap of my week off tomorrow!!

Pink Rose in Oman

It's almost an anomaly, the rose harvest in Oman. Instead of a scorched, levelled habitat, I found verdant terraces of rose bushes, freckled with pink blooms.

The rose growers are also farmers who grow crops such as garlic, onion and fruits including pomegranate. Many do not own land, but lease it from others

Only pink roses are grown and harvested in this northern region of the country

The journey helped me discover an area of the country that previously only heard of. "Even though my interaction with the rose growers and their families was limited, I wished I spoke their language to understand their lives better.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

dear diarys,

(peyton likes to pluralize random things-hence diarys)

to the idiots who continue to light off fireworks each night,
  you annoy the be-jeezus out of me. i cannot sleep with all that ruckus going on. just stop. or dad will call the cops on you...again.

to the mailman,
  you don't have to bring the mail up to the door. mom and dad have a perfectly fine mailbox at the end of the driveway. use it. i don't like you.

to mom,
  stop taking my picture when i sleep. i know i'm cute and all, and i know i look even more adorable sleeping...but it is out of control. you wouldn't like a bright light flashing in your sleeping face now would you?

to the maker of dingo bones,
  you rock my socks off.

to animal planet,
  i know i bark at you. you also annoy the be-jeezus out of me. but the animals you put on tv must be scurred of me bc everytime i bark at them, they go away...i'm badass like that.

to candi,
  we should just be friends now. it's not's is you.


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

horrible commenter...

i have been a horrible commenter this week.
I have been so busy at the fair and by the time I get home I am exhausted.
please forgive me...
I promise to catch up this weekend!!!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

little sis=my bff

i love my sister. duh.
we always have so much fun when we get together...

david always says...the only thing better than 1 patrick girl, is 2.
and he is right :)

he has also said the only thing more annoying than 1 patrick girl, is 2.
and he is probably right  wrong!

we love to take random pics.

i love her purple feather.

and i can't forget to show you the crackle polish...

here are some tidbits about erica:
1. she claims to remember everything that happened during her 3rd year of life
2. her nickname is poohbear. or poodles. which my parents and i (and now david) still call her
3. her feet have always been larger than mine
4. she is the messiest person i know
5. she loves her cat named...Ellison Renee Kimberley Mattingly (ERKM for short)

i love you seeeester!


Monday, July 18, 2011

etsy love.

how can you look on etsy and not fall in love with everything?
here is my etsy wish list.
