Tuesday, July 19, 2011

little sis=my bff

i love my sister. duh.
we always have so much fun when we get together...

david always says...the only thing better than 1 patrick girl, is 2.
and he is right :)

he has also said the only thing more annoying than 1 patrick girl, is 2.
and he is probably right  wrong!

we love to take random pics.

i love her purple feather.

and i can't forget to show you the crackle polish...

here are some tidbits about erica:
1. she claims to remember everything that happened during her 3rd year of life
2. her nickname is poohbear. or poodles. which my parents and i (and now david) still call her
3. her feet have always been larger than mine
4. she is the messiest person i know
5. she loves her cat named...Ellison Renee Kimberley Mattingly (ERKM for short)

i love you seeeester!


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