Tuesday, July 5, 2011

i wish.

i wish that i could say "no" and stand up for myself instead of getting roped into doing things when i don't want to.

i wish my parents lived closer...or i lived closer to them.

i wish gummy bears were an acceptable breakfast food.

i wish the los cabos trip was approaching soon. it's not. not until next year.

i wish i lived in a city sometimes. i think city life would be fun. i'm sure i would get tired of it though.

i wish david didn't work so much. even though i understand.

i wish i would take a minute to relax instead of running around all the time.

i wish david wasn't such a tight wad about money.

i wish work would speed by quickly and fun times would last forever.

i wish peyton would behave better. he can be so bad sometimes. but so darn cute.

what do you wish?

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