Tuesday, May 31, 2011

ttttttttttarget :)

link up with Tara!

why is target the greatest of all time?
like many of you...i can't just go into target and not find something...

and i'll take this...

i love target. a lot. everyday :)

Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day

hope everyone is enjoying their Memorial Day
i know we are :)

Friday, May 27, 2011

Smorgasbord of stuff

sidenote: there are only a few words in the world that make me giggle to myself uncontrollably.
Smorgasbord is one of them {hehe}

Thursday, May 26, 2011


my 5...
my 5 "cheats"
my 5 "freebies"
i present to you my 5.

...in no particular order...

1. Adam Levine-Maroon 5

2. Justin Timberlake

3. John Krasinski-The Office

4. Shemar Moore-Criminal Minds

5. Bruce Springsteen-circa 1984-Dancing in the Dark

who are your 5?

A Season.

To everything there is a season..

Gouache ( Royal Talens ) dan Akrilik ( Winsor & Newton Galeria )
di atas kanvas.
ukuran masing-masing: 30 x 30 cm 
Ukuran gabung: 30 x 60 cm

RP. 225.000 (belum termasuk ongkos kirim)

Birds Song


One who pay attention to every little thing around,
would definitely hear the song of birds...

Bird Song 1
Akrilik ( Winsor & Newton Galeria) & tinta cina
di atas wood / cuttingboard.
Panjang: 13,5 cm
Panjang dengan gagang: 26,5 cm
Lebar: 18 cm

Bird Song 2

Akrilik ( Winsor & Newton Galeria) & tinta cina
di atas wood / cuttingboard.
Panjang: 13,5 cm
Panjang dengan gagang: 26,5 cm
Lebar: 18 cm

RP 200.000 untuk keduanya (belum termasuk ongkos kirim)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday

Link up with Jamie!

I am loving the Indy500 is this Sunday! Yay for beer, cards, tailgaiting, and food!

I am loving this outdoor volleyball set! I can just see myself playing in the backyard!

I am loving this clear bubble umbrella! I love the retro look!!

I am loving BOMB POPS! omgomgomgomg

I am loving these prints :)

what are you loving today?

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

I heart target

link up with Tara!

i want this.
how cute
i can see myself zipping around town now...
if only i could find a basket that could hold Peyt...


for Peyton...
a cute little barn dog house!! :)

Monday, May 23, 2011

Don't quit your day job!

David should join the circus.
He is good at circus things like juggling...

don't be jealous

Sunday, May 22, 2011


i love thunderstorms (which it is currently doing)
why can't hobby lobby be open on sundays?

it's a lazy sunday at our house :)
hope everyone had a great weekend!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Flower Power

I'm no gardener. No green thumb.
In fact, I have killed a cactus. true story.

David's niece and nephew are in 4h.
They raise piggies (so presh) and, for their fundraiser this year, they sold geraniums.

Therefore, I didn't have to actually walk my butt into Lowe's and purchase flowers I will most likely kill.
All I had to do was tell them how many geraniums I wanted and write a check. Easy peasy.

David got me some soil.
and I planted my flowers.
aren't they nice?

David usually ends up watering them everyday.
He is good at keeping flowers and plants alive.

I just like the cute gardening kit my sister got me to make me feel like a real gardener.

Well my goal for this summer is to keep everything alive BY. MYSELF.
without David's watering help.

There are 3 things I must nurture:
1. The geraniums
2. My topsy turvy tomato planter (which is awesome by the way)
3. the stupid plumeria plant we somehow inherited {that David loves. I mean looooves} 

Wish us me luck.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Let me just tell you something...

  • i don't coupon. and i don't care. even with a stupid coupon it is still cheaper to buy the store brand.

  • i still sleep with my baby blankets. yes, plural.  and i don't care. i don't have to have them to sleep. i just like it. i know there are some of you out there that still sleep with that special something.

  • the only shows i have consistently watched from episode uno are The Office and Big Brother.  i always get into shows (Glee, Fringe, The Amazing Race, The Bachelor/Bachelorette, etc.) and get board with them. I always plan on watching them in their entirety but never do. don't care

  • yes, i realize that Peyton is a dog. he is my dog. i will spoil him and treat him like a child if i want too. i don't have a child yet, and until i do, Peyton always hold my undivided attention. i don't care.

  • i have an suv. i love it. i will never NOT have one. i don't care about the outrageous amount of money it takes to fill the tank. I knew that before purchasing it.  Therefore, you will not find me in shock when I fill it. I feel safe in my suv. i like feeling safe.

  • i'm bossy. like, really bossy. and i don't care. i'm ocd and i like things to get done...when i want them done. David calls me boss. i like to think of it as a term of endearment.

i'm done for today.
hope you don't think i'm a brat!!

so i don't feel so horrible about my don't care list, i would loooove for you to tell me some things you don't care about!
thanks :)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday

Link up with Jamie!!

I am loving this catalog card maker! How fun is this? Go make your own!

I am loving we had to turn the AIR CONDITIONER on last weekend...what?! 89 degrees? AHHH...it was heavenly!

I am loving that after all these years David continues to make me laugh out loud ALL.THE.TIME.
Have you ever heard of planking? Well David thinks he is awesome...

I am loving how excited Peyton gets when I come home...he really does make a long day worth it!

I am loving Pita Bread and Hummus...my new obsession.

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

oh and p.s.

the ex-governator grosses me out.
k bye

Target Tuesday!

Target has my heart today!!

go link up @ fabulousbutevil!

I always want stuff from Target...

how cute is this dress?? LOVE IT!

with these shoes...

Linen Espadrille Wedge Sandals


These bobby pins
aren't these sooo cute?!

ok! Go link up!!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Awkward Family Email?

You know that site Awkward Family Photos?
Where you can see hilarious family photos?
If you haven't been there...go check it out. Prepare to laugh. A LOT 
I laugh so hard when I see them.
anyway...they have an email section, which is equally hilarious.
A few weeks ago, David and I received an awkward email.
This email was sent by David's aunt about her daughter (David's cousin)
{Names and locations have been changed to protect the innocent}

 Well, it has come to my attention, that Jane got married, yesterday.  He is the guy from Kansas City, that I met a month or so ago; seemed very nice, and they seemed to be crazy about each other. Met on Internet last fall and have visited each other a couple of times, and then,, this past week-end they went to city- hall and got married, and then he got on an airplane and went back to Kansas City.  He will be transferring up there in a few weeks.  Would tell you more, but that's all I've been told. I  pray that we don't see this story on Dateline, or 48 hrs., in the future.

I find this hilarious...
but mostly...awkward...
who would send this?

Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Flying Cupcake

Ok, a few weeks back I mentioned my love of Red Velvet Cupcakes
However, I didn't mention I am very particular about where I get them from.

The Flying Cupcake Bakery has not 1 but 2 locations in Indianapolis, and they have the most delicious assortment of cupcakes.  I mean DE-freaking-LICIOUS.

Mouth-watering amazingness.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Mailbox loooove

I love getting the mail for 2 reasons.

1. I get magazines in the mail.
2. Surprises come in the mail.

Well, this past Tuesday...

I opened the mailbox...


I received my Give Away from Romance in a Glance!!!!


I'm so excited! Not only did she send me the Give Away, but also some sweet notes and advice!!
thanks girl!!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Indianapolis 500

Ok, I live in Indy.
Racing is a big deal.
The Indy500 is a huge deal.

yes, we go.
yes, it is hot.
yes, it is crowded.
yes, there are a trillion white trash people in attendance.

it is a tradition.
i love traditions.

Our Indy500 Traditions:
*sausage balls
*arriving at 5am
*drinking beer {a lot of it}
*rolling dice
*auctioning off drivers (for moolah)
*tailgating inside the gates
*peeing a million times

I absolutley love going to the 500! I really could care less abou the race...it is spending time with everyone I love (usually about 50 of us) and making memories!!

Race Day is : Sunday May 29th
if you live in Indy and are planning to attend the race let me know!!!