Monday, May 2, 2011

7 Deadly Sins

I saw this over on Lauren's blog and it seemed like fun!

7 great things.

1. my family and friends
2. dogs in general
3. my health
4. my job
5. summertime
6. love
7. clean sheets

7 things you lack and covet.

1. patience
2. an "inside voice"
3. the ability to say "no" to people
4. upper body strength
5. how to show my feelings
6. being able to hold my breath underwater for along time
7. a passport...

7 things that make you angry.

1. slow drivers in the left lane
2. people being late
3. unappreciative people
4. cruelty to animals
5. rudeness
6. waiting in lines
7. when other dogs shit in MY yard.

7 things you neglect to do.

1. untie my shoes before I take them off
2. eat healthy while I'm at work
3. watch shows I record on the DVR
4. open forwarded emails
5. pay for things not on sale
6. drink diet drinks (except coke zero)
7. weigh myself

7 worldly material desires.

1. travel abroad multiple times a year
2. a yukon
3. my dream house
5. a sapphire ring
6. a babysitter for peyton
7. king sized bed

7 guilty pleasures.

1. coke zero and vanilla vodka
2. sleeping in late
3. trash t.v.
4. italian food
5. manis/pedis
6. avon products
7. blogging

7 things you love about love.

1. that david is all mine
2. sex (not gonna lie)
3. snuggling
4. hand holding
5. that everything is ours
6. closeness
7. kissing

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