Thursday, May 19, 2011

Let me just tell you something...

  • i don't coupon. and i don't care. even with a stupid coupon it is still cheaper to buy the store brand.

  • i still sleep with my baby blankets. yes, plural.  and i don't care. i don't have to have them to sleep. i just like it. i know there are some of you out there that still sleep with that special something.

  • the only shows i have consistently watched from episode uno are The Office and Big Brother.  i always get into shows (Glee, Fringe, The Amazing Race, The Bachelor/Bachelorette, etc.) and get board with them. I always plan on watching them in their entirety but never do. don't care

  • yes, i realize that Peyton is a dog. he is my dog. i will spoil him and treat him like a child if i want too. i don't have a child yet, and until i do, Peyton always hold my undivided attention. i don't care.

  • i have an suv. i love it. i will never NOT have one. i don't care about the outrageous amount of money it takes to fill the tank. I knew that before purchasing it.  Therefore, you will not find me in shock when I fill it. I feel safe in my suv. i like feeling safe.

  • i'm bossy. like, really bossy. and i don't care. i'm ocd and i like things to get done...when i want them done. David calls me boss. i like to think of it as a term of endearment.

i'm done for today.
hope you don't think i'm a brat!!

so i don't feel so horrible about my don't care list, i would loooove for you to tell me some things you don't care about!
thanks :)

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