Wednesday, May 4, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday

Link up with Jamie!

I am loving that I won a Give Away hosted by Romance In a Glance!
I can't wait to receive my package!

I am loving my momma...who I get to celebrate with this Sunday for Mother's Day :)

I am loving PBandJ sandwiches on wheat bread. I think I have eaten at least 5 since Friday. Yummmm...I think I'll go have another now...I love crunchy pb.
do you like creamy or crunchy?

I am loving that it is May. I love May. I love every darn thing about it. It tends to be a busy {but fun} month for us! (and I love scrabble...)

I am loving how sweet my boys are when David gets home.  Peyton runs to the door and waits for David to come in...then David chases him around and they play :) Can't help but smile when I see them.

What are you loving today?

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