Friday, May 20, 2011

Flower Power

I'm no gardener. No green thumb.
In fact, I have killed a cactus. true story.

David's niece and nephew are in 4h.
They raise piggies (so presh) and, for their fundraiser this year, they sold geraniums.

Therefore, I didn't have to actually walk my butt into Lowe's and purchase flowers I will most likely kill.
All I had to do was tell them how many geraniums I wanted and write a check. Easy peasy.

David got me some soil.
and I planted my flowers.
aren't they nice?

David usually ends up watering them everyday.
He is good at keeping flowers and plants alive.

I just like the cute gardening kit my sister got me to make me feel like a real gardener.

Well my goal for this summer is to keep everything alive BY. MYSELF.
without David's watering help.

There are 3 things I must nurture:
1. The geraniums
2. My topsy turvy tomato planter (which is awesome by the way)
3. the stupid plumeria plant we somehow inherited {that David loves. I mean looooves} 

Wish us me luck.

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