Monday, May 16, 2011

Awkward Family Email?

You know that site Awkward Family Photos?
Where you can see hilarious family photos?
If you haven't been there...go check it out. Prepare to laugh. A LOT 
I laugh so hard when I see them.
anyway...they have an email section, which is equally hilarious.
A few weeks ago, David and I received an awkward email.
This email was sent by David's aunt about her daughter (David's cousin)
{Names and locations have been changed to protect the innocent}

 Well, it has come to my attention, that Jane got married, yesterday.  He is the guy from Kansas City, that I met a month or so ago; seemed very nice, and they seemed to be crazy about each other. Met on Internet last fall and have visited each other a couple of times, and then,, this past week-end they went to city- hall and got married, and then he got on an airplane and went back to Kansas City.  He will be transferring up there in a few weeks.  Would tell you more, but that's all I've been told. I  pray that we don't see this story on Dateline, or 48 hrs., in the future.

I find this hilarious...
but mostly...awkward...
who would send this?

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