Wednesday, May 11, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday

link up with Jamie!!

I am loving that this Sunday I have a date with my Dad to see the Blue Angels. My dad was in the navy and whenever there is an air show we always try to catch it! Can't wait!

I am loving that I have some flowers planted!!
{these are not my flowers...they just look like them :) }

I am loving how warm the weather has been lately! Rainy...but warm!

I am loving that I got these 2 dress...from...Wal-mart!! What?? I know...for 12 bucks each I couldn't pass them up...I love sundresses in the summer :)
(has anyone else seen that Wal-Mart has stepped up their clothing game?!)


i'm loving my sweet sleeping Peyton :)

please take notice of the nasty glare i received from him...i guess i was interrupting his nap...

what are you loving this Wednesday?!

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