Monday, July 11, 2011

miscellany monday

link up with carrisa at lowercase letters

hi there.
i'm linking up for my first ever
and i'm feel rather miscellaneous today :)

  • it is my first day back to work in 11 days...nothing could prepare me for waking up this morning. i wish i was still doing this...

  • big brother is on. even better...JEFF AND JORDAN are back!!! this makes me one happy girl!

  • peyton is now sleeping in his "big boy bed"  and not with us. (well not with us ALL night)

  • next week i have the week off  again because of the fair :)

  • i had my bbq.  you can read why i had one in my honor here :)

ok that is enough for today!
hope everyone has a wonderful monday!! :)

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