Thursday, July 21, 2011

dear diarys,

(peyton likes to pluralize random things-hence diarys)

to the idiots who continue to light off fireworks each night,
  you annoy the be-jeezus out of me. i cannot sleep with all that ruckus going on. just stop. or dad will call the cops on you...again.

to the mailman,
  you don't have to bring the mail up to the door. mom and dad have a perfectly fine mailbox at the end of the driveway. use it. i don't like you.

to mom,
  stop taking my picture when i sleep. i know i'm cute and all, and i know i look even more adorable sleeping...but it is out of control. you wouldn't like a bright light flashing in your sleeping face now would you?

to the maker of dingo bones,
  you rock my socks off.

to animal planet,
  i know i bark at you. you also annoy the be-jeezus out of me. but the animals you put on tv must be scurred of me bc everytime i bark at them, they go away...i'm badass like that.

to candi,
  we should just be friends now. it's not's is you.


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