Wednesday, June 15, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday

hey guys.
Peyton here.

Since my mom's birthday is tomorrow, she is off pouting about turning 26.
so i'm going to participate in What I'm Loving Wednesday.

link up with Daisy,er, Daisy's mom Jamie.

I am loving dingos. Mom hides them in the pantry. Whenever I hear the word bone I know to trot right on over to the pantry and wait patiently.

I am loving that mom is getting me a new harness...a puppia harness. I can't wait to sport it on our walks!
any of you owners have a puppia harness? do you like it?

I am loving my new hair cut. Mom finally took me to PetsMart (thank goodness) I was sooo hot with all that hair. Now the lady pups check me out...

speaking of lady pups...

I am loving my new gf...her name is CANDI...with an "i". Somewhat questionable...but she seems very nice.

and I am loving all you guys :) You guys keep my mom entertained so she doesn't sit around and annoy me ALL DAY LONG! thanks!

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