Wednesday, June 29, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday

link up with Jamie!

i am loving that i have next week off. no work. no work. no work!
i know i only work 3 days a week...but remember...i work 12.5 hrs a day :)

i am loving peyton's new bed :) i decided that peyton needed a nice new comfy place to sleep (since it really is crowded with him in the bed)

i am loving the little yankee candle "tarts" that you put in a warmer. if you don't have a candle warmer-get one. i love mine. i use it all the time...and if i forget to turn it biggie :)

i am loving that i pre cooked 3 meals for this week. since i work late on my working days, sometimes dinner is very i premade some meals and voila! dinner is ready in minutes! go me. although i don't have picture evidence...

i am loving the sweetness that i get to come home this not adorable? even though this picture is horrible and is taken with my phone, through the car window...
he is sayin' "hi momma!"
"come and get me!"

happy wednesday!

{and even though i will be on "vacation" from work...i will not be on "vacation" from my blog. i know you are jumping with excitement because of this amazing news ;) }

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