Wednesday, June 8, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday

link up with Jamie!

I am loving America's Got Talent! I think it is by far the best "reality" show.  It isn't just singing and is everything! Anyone else watch it?

I am loving La Croix water...perfect amount of flavor! I love berry best :)

and keeping up with the beverage trend...

I am loving Arizona Arnold Palmer 1/2 IcedTea, 1/2 Lemonade drink mix
omg...soooooooooo amazing. and refreshing!

I am loving 48Hours Mystery... David and I plan our Saturday nights around this show.
Odd? Yes. We know it is strange to love a show this much...

I am loving Marie's link up on Saturdays!! It is every Saturday through the summer...go visit her blog and link up this Saturday! :)

I am loving that raspberries were on sale this week at Kroger.  10for$10. I got 10. I have 5 left :)

happy wednesday!

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