Thursday, June 30, 2011


i should have probably linked up with carrisa's confess link up before today, but i didn't...i have no good reason
so here are some confessions. bc i'm so secretive you guys are just dying to know :)

i confess i let peyton sleep in the bed. not on the bed. in the bed. right next to us. i will be uncomfortable to make peyton comfy. i need help i think. even though he has a brand new bed...he prefers to sleep with his momma.

i confess on my days off, i sometimes don't do a damn thing. i just don't feel like using my brain. peyton and i watch the price is right and walker texas ranger...then we water the flowers. that is about as active as i get some days.

i confess we had those frozen meals for dinner one night this week. and it they were good.

i confess i spend too much money on avon products. i can't help it. when you see a deal you have to snatch it up. i also confess david may have gotten irritated at me for writing so many checks to his sister since she is my avon rep.

i confess i watched 2 christmas movies, and listened to a christmas cd this past weekend. sometimes christmas just needs to come more than once a year.

i confess i like to move over to david's side of the bed when he leaves for work. in fact i like to actually wake up, do somethings around the house, then get back into bed on his side and sleep awhile longer.

i confess i worked out then went to the pizza hut buffet. counter productivity at its finest. classy.

i confess that the hospital i work at is undergoing construction. if i hear another hammer beat against a wall i am going to quit my job.

ok those are enough of the confessions today...'til next time...

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