Friday, June 17, 2011

bday loooove!

i'm so spoiled.
david planned a little surprise get together for me this past saturday!

my parents came all the way out to my neck of the woods and surprised me...

erica, mom, david

david redeemed his taco bar coupon...

we drank.
we swam.
we had cake.
and opened presents.

i love my family!

i had such an amazing evening with the ones i love most! :)

check out my goodies...

my new bike.
thanks mom and dad!!
i love it.
it has a basket! whoo-hoo!!

vera purse.
i love VB.
and so does david's brother sister-in-law.
therefore...i got this cutie.

chi straightener.
i love chi.
i had my old one for 5 years.
only one side heated up.
so it was time for a new one.
thanks to david's parents...i got this one!
and it's pink!!

target gift card.
someone knows me too well.
that's right...david's sister is equally obsessed with target as i am.
you can never go wrong with one of these. :)
thanks gibbs family!
(i don't have an acutal pic of the gift card because...well...i already used it!)

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