Monday, June 13, 2011

i feel the need to brag.

...on David.

he is pretty amazing.

not only does he work M-F, but he also has been working on the farm on the weekends...
someones gotta plant that corn. and fertilize it.

he works so hard.
and i appreciate it soooooooooooo much :)

here are a few reasons why i love him to death...
  • he never complains about work. he gets up and works his tail off to provide for us.
  • he likes hi-c orange lavaburst from mcdonalds :)
  • he never leaves without giving me a kiss goodbye...and telling me he loves me.
  • he sings with me...he believe's we could win America's Got Talent (haha we suck at singing).
  • he talks to peyton.
  • he washes my car...and fills it up with gas.
  • he lets me dig my freezing cold feet under his legs in bed to warm them up.
  • he planned a surprise party for me this past weekend. looove.

i love you david thomas!

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