Thursday, June 9, 2011

Puppy cut

now before I go on I need you to promise me something...

that you won't call puppy protective services on me.

k? thanks.

Peyton needs a hair cut. A summer cut. Bad. I'm always hesitant to get his hair "did" because I love his wiry fur, and it is so darn expensive.

Now you may wonder...why don't you just cut his hair yourself and save money.

Let's take a look back...

Summer 2009:

Elizabeth tells David she believes she can cut Peyton's hair better than groomer.
David thinks this is a great idea because it will save money.
David buys Elizabeth electric dog trimmer thing.
Elizabeth then proceeds to cut off part of sweet Peyton's ear. Not joking.

I swear the entire town heard me yell F**K.


needless to say,
the emergency vet bill was much more than a year of cuts at the groomer.

we love petsmart groomers...a lot.

and yes...peyton has forgiven me

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