Monday, August 22, 2011

weekend + the one word you never want to hear.

friday night: colts pre-season game

i love how into the game david gets.
check out all the people who came to the game! i love our stadium

saturday: nothing + mexican take out + gymnastics on tv :)

peyton likes to watch gymnastics too ;)

sunday: bbq with the family

my amazing burger, beans, taters, and corn
san pellegrino. looooove.
virgil's root beer. i love bottled root beer

oh august. you have officially kicked our ass.
in fact, just when i didn't think you could get any worse. you did.
on sunday i had to hear that one word no one ever wants to hear.
my dad has cancer.
luckily they caught it very very very early.
so early in fact, they don't think chemotherapy will be necessary.
just surgery. he will find out for sure on friday.
so if you could please keep my family in your thoughts, it would be greatly appreciated.
my dad is the greatest person in the world. and i know he will get through this.

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