Friday, August 26, 2011

who am i?

i am...

obsessively over the top in love with my dog.
i worry about myself sometimes...
yes, it is that bad.
i mean...i hold on my hip like a child.
and talk to him like he will actually respond to me.
strange? maybe...but, because of you blog ladies
i have realized this isn't as odd as i once thought.

very particular, which comes across as bossy.
or maybe bitchy. whatev.
that is me. and i have always been that way.
i like to think of it as i know what i want.
you know those people that are all like
"i don't care" "doesn't matter to me"
that is not me. if you ask me where i want to eat,
i will most likely chose olive garden  tell you.

a creature of habit.
i am one of those gals who thrives off a schedule.
to the exact second.
i hop out of bed the second my alarm goes off.
i also make sure i am tucked into bed no later than 10pm on the days i work.
routines are my fav.
which makes me a hot mess when i fall off of it.
which then leads to bitching.
so you see, it is a downward spiral if i get off of my routine.
lame? yes. on time? always.

in love with pasta.
specifically garden rotini.
it is always stocked in my pantry.
david always says my last meal would be pasta.
which worries me that he has thought that...but that is for another post.
i could and would eat it every day if it were acceptable.

who are you?

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