Wednesday, August 3, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday

link up with Jamie!

ok...on to what i just happen to be loving this week.

i am loving pinnacle vodka.  It is whipped cream flavored and it is amazing with diet coke! :)

i am loving french toast.  last sunday we decided to have breakfast for dinner. we had french toast and it was amazing! yummmmmmm

i am loving the new gillette pro fusion for men. yes i use a men's razor. wanna know why? it has 5 FREAKING BLADES! oh my word it is amazing!! why do men's razors work so much better than women's razors?

i am loving peace sweet tea. sooooo refreshing on these hot indiana days!
and for only $.99...i'll take 3 one please!

happyhappy wendesday sweet loves!


ok ladies...
i need you to recommend a book for my august book of the month!

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